Monday, January 3, 2011

Week of 03JAN2011

I hope everybody had a great New Years. This week will be a testing week, and we will use these tests again in two months. DO NOT modify any of these tests, we need to keep these constant for the next testing period to see the progress.

Monday 03JAN2011

95# Thrusters

Tuesday 04JAN2011

3 rounds for time
10 135# OHS
50 Double Unders

rest 10 min

1k Row (100%)

Wednesday 05JAN2011

In 15 Min work up to find your 1 RM Squat Clean

Rest 10 Min

AMRAP in 5 Minutes
Double Unders

Friday 07JAN2011

135# Squat Snatch
Muscle Ups

rest 10 min

100 GHD Situps for time

rest 10 min

In 15 minutes work up to find your 1RM Thruster

Saturday 08JAN2011

Its a surprise and it will not be known until the morning of.