Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 3

Monday 29NOV2010
A. Deadlift: 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
Rest 5 min
B. 10 rounds
2 Heavy Front Squats
5 Burpees (as fast as possible)
Rest 1-2 min

Tuesday 30NOV2010
A. Press; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
Rest 5 Min
B. 10 rounds
2 Power Snatch
Rest 1-2 min

Wednesday 01DEC2010
A. Clean Pull; 3 reps; 7 sets; rest 1-2 min
B. 15 Unbroken Russian KBS: 5 sets; rest 1 min (2 pood)
C. 20 Unbroken GHD Situps; 5 sets; rest 1 min
D. 50 Unbroken DU; 4 sets; rest 1

Friday 03DEC2010
A. Back Squat; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. DB Bulgarian Split Squats; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 1 min
C. Weighted Ring Dips; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min
D. Weighted Strict Ring Pullups; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min

Saturday 04DEC2010
A. Snatch Pull; 1 rep; 10 sets; rest 1 min
Rest 5 Min
B. 6 rounds
3 Ground to Overhead
6 Muscle Ups
9 Box Jumps
40 Double Unders
Rest 2 min between rounds

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week of 22 November 2010

Deadlift 3x3 85% 1RTM
2 min rest between sets
Snatch 3x3 60% 1RTM
2 min rest between sets

rest 5 min

10 Rounds of
15 sec Power Clean - 135lbs
45 sec rest between sets
15 sec Power Snatch - 95lbs
45 sec rest between sets

Press 3x3
1 min rest between rounds
Push Press 3x3
1 min rest between rounds
Push Jerk 3x3
1 min rest between rounds

Rest 5 min

6 rounds
2 Heavy OHS
5 Burpees (Max Vert Leap)
rest 1-2 min between sets

Squat Clean 5x3 (light technique)
1 min rest between sets
Power Cleans 5x3 (light technique)
1 min rest between sets

Rest 5 min

3x15 Good mornings 65lb
1 min rest between sets
3x15 GHD Back extensions
1 min rest between sets
5 Sec L-sit hold, 10 sets rest 25 sec between

6x3 OHS
2 min rest between sets
3x4-6 of DB Bulgarian Split Squat
2 min rest between sets
3x25 of Unbroken double unders
1 min rest between sets

Find 3RM Snatch (power if needed)
Find 3RM Snatch

rest 5 min

5 mile run. Map will be posted in The Shed

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week of 15 November Continued


6x5 Back Squat @ 75% 1RTM
2-3 Min between rounds

4 x for cals:

Row sprint 30 sec all out
rest 3 min

4 rounds
15 GHD Situps
15 GHD Back Extensions


Field trip to Rivertown Crossfit
Cameron's choice

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of 15 November


A. Rack Deadlifts; 3 reps; 7 sets; rest 2-3 min
B. 10 rounds of
2 Hang Squat Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
Rest 2 min


A. Push Jerk; 3 reps;7 sets; rest 2 min
B. 10 rounds
20 secs Erg
1:40 rest


A. Hang Power Clean; 1 rep; 7 sets; rest 1 min
B. 15 Unbroken Russian KBS; 5 rounds; rest 1 min
C. 10 Unbroken CTB Pullups; 4 rounds; rest 1 min
D. 30 Unbroken Double Unders; rest 1 min

5 Min L-Sit Practice w/ Bands
5 Min Pistol Practice (with bands if needed)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of 8 November 2010

a. 6x5 Snatch Grip Deadlift (65% 1RM)
rest 2 min between rounds

b. 8 rounds of (Rest 1 to 2 minutes between rounds)
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
Time individual rounds

a. 6x5 Push Press (80% 1RM)
rest 2 min between rounds

b. 10 rounds
Max thrusters in 15 seconds (75 - 95lbs)
rest 45 seconds

a. 6x3 Hanging Power Clean (50% 1RM)
rest 1 min

b. 5 rounds
10 UNBROKEN Russian KB Swings (2 pood)
*focus on hip pop*
rest 1 min

c. 4 rounds
15 UNBROKEN GHD extensions
rest 1 min

d. 4 rounds
3-5 UNBROKEN Muscle Ups
rest 1 min (adjust as needed)

a. 6x5 Front Squat (70% 1RM)
rest 2-3 min

b. 6x5 Close grip bench (*heavy enough to where if a 6th rep was to be performed it
would be very difficult)
rest 2 min

c. 3 rounds
6-8 45lb plate over head lunges
- do 6-8 reps on left leg and then do 6-8 on right leg. DO NOT ALTERNATE
rest 2 min

d. 3 rounds
6-8 reps ring rows. Tempo 20X1 (2 second negative, explode up, 1 second hold at
top with focus on squeezing shoulder blades together/maintain straight body)
rest 2 min

a. 7x1 Hanging squat snatch (65% 1RM)
rest 2 min

b. 5x3 Snatch Balance (stand up with bar overhead and hold for 5 seconds before
resetting) (95lbs - adjusted as needed) (emphasis is skill work)
rest 2 min

c. 8 rounds
4 Heavy Snatch pull
50M sprint
2 min rest(*mandatory)