Monday, January 3, 2011

Week of 03JAN2011

I hope everybody had a great New Years. This week will be a testing week, and we will use these tests again in two months. DO NOT modify any of these tests, we need to keep these constant for the next testing period to see the progress.

Monday 03JAN2011

95# Thrusters

Tuesday 04JAN2011

3 rounds for time
10 135# OHS
50 Double Unders

rest 10 min

1k Row (100%)

Wednesday 05JAN2011

In 15 Min work up to find your 1 RM Squat Clean

Rest 10 Min

AMRAP in 5 Minutes
Double Unders

Friday 07JAN2011

135# Squat Snatch
Muscle Ups

rest 10 min

100 GHD Situps for time

rest 10 min

In 15 minutes work up to find your 1RM Thruster

Saturday 08JAN2011

Its a surprise and it will not be known until the morning of.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Week of 27DEC2010

This is a TRUE deload week!!!! I need you to all fully recover and be ready for a tough testing week starting next Monday. Next week will be brutal and taxing, so I need you all to take this week seriously and do not exceed what is listed here.

Monday 27DEC2010
A. Deadlift; 5 reps; 5 sets; rest 2 min @50%
B. 5 rounds @70%
20 Air Squats
50 Double Unders

Tuesday 28DEC2010
A. Press; 5 reps; 5 sets; rest 2 min @50%
B. 5 rounds @70%
10 Ring Dips
10 Pullups
10 Burpees

Wednesday 29DEC2010
A. 10 Min Squat Clean Skill Work
B. 10 Min L-Sit Practice with bands
C. 10 Min Double Under Practice
D. 10 Min Mobility work on hip flexors and low back

Friday 31DEC2010
A. Back Squat; 5 reps; 5 sets; rest 2 min @50%
B. 5 rounds @ 70%
10 Box Jumps
20 Air Squats

Saturday 01JAN2011
A. 10 Min Squat Snatch Skill Work
B. 10 Min Jerk Skill Work
C. 10 Min Handstand Hold Practice on Paralettes
D. 10 Min Mobility Work on Thoradic Spine and Shoulders

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week of 20DEC2010

Monday 20DEC2010:
A. Deadlift; 3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
B. Snatch Grip Deadlift;3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
C. Rack Deadlifts;3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
Rest 5 Min
10 rounds
15 sec 135# Power Clean
45 sec rest
15 sec 95# Power Snatch
45 sec rest

Tuesday 21DEC2010:
A. Press:3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
B. Push Press:3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
C. Push Jerk:3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
Rest 5 min
6 rounds
2 Heavy OHS
5 Burpees (Max Vertical Jump)
rest 1-2 min between rounds

Wednesday 22DEC2010:
A. Squat Clean; 1 rep; 7 sets; rest 1 min @70%
B. Hang Power Clean: 1 rep: 7 sets; rest 1 min @70%
C. 20 Unbroken GHD Situps; 4 sets; rest 1 min
D. GHD Back Extensions; 12-15 reps; 3 sets; rest 1 min
E. 5sec L-Sit Holds; 10 sets; rest 25 sec

Friday 24DEC2010
A. Back Squat; 3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
B. Front Squat; 3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
C. OHS; 3 reps; 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
rest 5 min
AMRAP in 8 min
5 Weighted Pullups @40% BW
5 Ring Dips @40%

Monday, December 13, 2010

Week of 13DEC2010

A. Rack Deadlifts; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. Romanian Deadlifts; 5 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min (not stiff legged deadlift)
Rest 5 min
10 rounds
20 sec Erg (95-100%)
1:40 Min Rest

A. Push Jerk; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. Weighted Pullups; 5 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min
rest 5 min
10 rounds
2 Hang Squat Snatch
Rest 2 min between rounds

A. Hang Power Clean; 1 rep; 10 sets; rest 1 min
B. 5 Unbroken Muscle Ups; 5 sets; rest 1 min
C. 50 Unbroken Double Unders; 4 sets; rest 1 min
D. 5 Unbroken HSPU; 5 sets; rest 1 min
E. L-Sit Hold w/ bands; 20s On, 1:40 off; 6 rounds

15-20 Min Mobility work on IT band, quads, and hamstrings

A. OHS; 3 rests; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. Weighed Ring Dips; 5 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min
C. Bulgarian DB Split Squats; 4-6 reps; 4 sets; rest 2 min
D. Weighed Pullups; 5 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min

A. Hang Power Snatch; 1 rep; 7 sets; rest 1 min
rest 5 min
8 rounds
2 Heavy Snatch Pulls
4 Burpees (jump as high as possible)
50m Sprint or 75m Erg
Rest 1-2 min between rounds

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of 06DEC2010

Monday 06DEC2010

A. Snatch Grip Deadlift; 5 reps; 6 sets; rest 2-3 min
Rest 5 Min
B. 8 rounds
1 Squat Clean @70%
1 Burpee (as fast as possible)
Rest 90s-2min between rounds

Tuesday 07DEC2010

A. Push Press; 5 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
Rest 5 min
10 rounds
15 sec Thrusters
45 sec rest
Post loads and reps

Wednesday 08DEC2010

A. Hang Power Cleans; 3 reps; 7 sets; rest 1 min
B. 20 Unbroken Russian KBS; 4 sets; rest 1-2 min
C. 20 Unbroken GHD Situps; 4 sets; rest 1-2 min
D. 6-8 Unbroken Muscle Ups; 4 sets; rest 1-2 min

Friday 10DEC2010

A. Front Squats; 5 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. Weighted Pull Ups; 4-6 reps; 4 sets; rest 1-2 min
C. Barbell Lunges, 4-6 reps (each leg); 3 sets; rest 1-2 min
D. Close Grip Bench Press; 3-5 reps; 5 sets; rest 2 min

Saturday 11DEC2010

A. Hang Power Snatch; 1 rep; 7 sets; rest 1 min
B. Snatch Balance; 3 reps; 5 sets; rest 2 min (5 sec hold at top)
Rest 5 min
C. 8 rounds
4 Heavy Snatch Pulls
50m Sprint or 75m Erg
Rest 1-2 min between rounds

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 3

Monday 29NOV2010
A. Deadlift: 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
Rest 5 min
B. 10 rounds
2 Heavy Front Squats
5 Burpees (as fast as possible)
Rest 1-2 min

Tuesday 30NOV2010
A. Press; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
Rest 5 Min
B. 10 rounds
2 Power Snatch
Rest 1-2 min

Wednesday 01DEC2010
A. Clean Pull; 3 reps; 7 sets; rest 1-2 min
B. 15 Unbroken Russian KBS: 5 sets; rest 1 min (2 pood)
C. 20 Unbroken GHD Situps; 5 sets; rest 1 min
D. 50 Unbroken DU; 4 sets; rest 1

Friday 03DEC2010
A. Back Squat; 3 reps; 6 sets; rest 2 min
B. DB Bulgarian Split Squats; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 1 min
C. Weighted Ring Dips; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min
D. Weighted Strict Ring Pullups; 4-6 reps; 3 sets; rest 2 min

Saturday 04DEC2010
A. Snatch Pull; 1 rep; 10 sets; rest 1 min
Rest 5 Min
B. 6 rounds
3 Ground to Overhead
6 Muscle Ups
9 Box Jumps
40 Double Unders
Rest 2 min between rounds

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week of 22 November 2010

Deadlift 3x3 85% 1RTM
2 min rest between sets
Snatch 3x3 60% 1RTM
2 min rest between sets

rest 5 min

10 Rounds of
15 sec Power Clean - 135lbs
45 sec rest between sets
15 sec Power Snatch - 95lbs
45 sec rest between sets

Press 3x3
1 min rest between rounds
Push Press 3x3
1 min rest between rounds
Push Jerk 3x3
1 min rest between rounds

Rest 5 min

6 rounds
2 Heavy OHS
5 Burpees (Max Vert Leap)
rest 1-2 min between sets

Squat Clean 5x3 (light technique)
1 min rest between sets
Power Cleans 5x3 (light technique)
1 min rest between sets

Rest 5 min

3x15 Good mornings 65lb
1 min rest between sets
3x15 GHD Back extensions
1 min rest between sets
5 Sec L-sit hold, 10 sets rest 25 sec between

6x3 OHS
2 min rest between sets
3x4-6 of DB Bulgarian Split Squat
2 min rest between sets
3x25 of Unbroken double unders
1 min rest between sets

Find 3RM Snatch (power if needed)
Find 3RM Snatch

rest 5 min

5 mile run. Map will be posted in The Shed

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week of 15 November Continued


6x5 Back Squat @ 75% 1RTM
2-3 Min between rounds

4 x for cals:

Row sprint 30 sec all out
rest 3 min

4 rounds
15 GHD Situps
15 GHD Back Extensions


Field trip to Rivertown Crossfit
Cameron's choice

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of 15 November


A. Rack Deadlifts; 3 reps; 7 sets; rest 2-3 min
B. 10 rounds of
2 Hang Squat Snatch
5 Overhead Squats
Rest 2 min


A. Push Jerk; 3 reps;7 sets; rest 2 min
B. 10 rounds
20 secs Erg
1:40 rest


A. Hang Power Clean; 1 rep; 7 sets; rest 1 min
B. 15 Unbroken Russian KBS; 5 rounds; rest 1 min
C. 10 Unbroken CTB Pullups; 4 rounds; rest 1 min
D. 30 Unbroken Double Unders; rest 1 min

5 Min L-Sit Practice w/ Bands
5 Min Pistol Practice (with bands if needed)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of 8 November 2010

a. 6x5 Snatch Grip Deadlift (65% 1RM)
rest 2 min between rounds

b. 8 rounds of (Rest 1 to 2 minutes between rounds)
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
1 Full Squat Clean (65% 1RM)
1 Burpee as fast as possible
Time individual rounds

a. 6x5 Push Press (80% 1RM)
rest 2 min between rounds

b. 10 rounds
Max thrusters in 15 seconds (75 - 95lbs)
rest 45 seconds

a. 6x3 Hanging Power Clean (50% 1RM)
rest 1 min

b. 5 rounds
10 UNBROKEN Russian KB Swings (2 pood)
*focus on hip pop*
rest 1 min

c. 4 rounds
15 UNBROKEN GHD extensions
rest 1 min

d. 4 rounds
3-5 UNBROKEN Muscle Ups
rest 1 min (adjust as needed)

a. 6x5 Front Squat (70% 1RM)
rest 2-3 min

b. 6x5 Close grip bench (*heavy enough to where if a 6th rep was to be performed it
would be very difficult)
rest 2 min

c. 3 rounds
6-8 45lb plate over head lunges
- do 6-8 reps on left leg and then do 6-8 on right leg. DO NOT ALTERNATE
rest 2 min

d. 3 rounds
6-8 reps ring rows. Tempo 20X1 (2 second negative, explode up, 1 second hold at
top with focus on squeezing shoulder blades together/maintain straight body)
rest 2 min

a. 7x1 Hanging squat snatch (65% 1RM)
rest 2 min

b. 5x3 Snatch Balance (stand up with bar overhead and hold for 5 seconds before
resetting) (95lbs - adjusted as needed) (emphasis is skill work)
rest 2 min

c. 8 rounds
4 Heavy Snatch pull
50M sprint
2 min rest(*mandatory)