Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week of 1 November 2010

6x3 Deadlift (opposing grip) 85% of 1RM training max
(ex. True 1RM = 535, 1RM training max = 481 x 85% =410)

Rest 5 min

8 rounds
2 Deadlifts at 85% of previous working load (for this example 350)
5 Burpees as fast as possible
(2 min between rounds)

6x3 Press 85% of 1RM training max
(ex. True 1RM = 215, 1RM training max = 195 x 85% =165)

Rest 5 min

10 rounds
3 Thrusters at working previous working load
(3 min rest between rounds)

7x3 Clean Pull 50% of 1RM training max
(ex. True 1RM = 305, 1RM training max = 275 x 50% =135)
*goal is speed through the hips*

5 Rounds
15 Unbroken GHD Situps
rest 90 sec
15 Unbroken GHD Back Extension
rest 90 sec

5 min L-Sit practice w/band
10 min mobility and foam roller work

A. 6x3 Squat 85% of 1RM training max
(ex. True 1RM = 400, 1RM training max = 360 x 85% =305)

B. DB Split Squats @4010; 6-8 reps; 4 sets; rest 2 min

C. 10 Unbroken Box Jumps @ 36" Box; 4 sets; rest 2 min

D. 15 Unbroken GHD Situps; 4 sets; rest 1 min

7x3 Snatch Pull 50% of 1RM training max
(ex. True 1RM = 225, 1RM training max = 202 x 50% =100)
*goal is speed through the hips*

8 rounds
3 Ground to Overhead
3 Muscle Ups
Rest 2 Min between rounds

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