10 rounds of
200M Run
2 Muscle Ups
(with 20# Vest preferred)
Pride is a Mother F’er.
It can destroy the best intentions. Let me explain.
In the last few days a couple of us (notice I include myself because I was one of the guilty) got frustrated with a workout and let our ego dictate our actions.
During today’s WOD, I got to my 10th MU and failed. I tried over and over and over, only to repeatedly fail.
Had I seen this happen to anyone else I would have instructed that the movement get scaled and continue the WOD with good form in order to reap the intended benefit. By spending an inordinate amount of time on MU ten what I did was ruin the intended physiological response as programmed. Additionally, I managed to get myself pissed off, and make my shoulder sore in the process.
Why am I taking the time to publicly call out my lack of performance? Because I do not want to see any of us repeat my mistake.
If you are having problem with a movement or just having an off day (face it…it happens) then scale it appropriately and continue the WOD. Then once recovered work on the technique or movement that was giving you problems. Put a similar movement in your warm up on subsequent days.
I think that all would agree that our goal is to get bigger, faster, fitter and stronger, not pissed off and frustrated.
Check your ego at the door and train smart. Believe me when I say that I will be taking my own advice.