5/3/1 Press Week 3
95# Barbell Manmakers
Double Unders
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Week 3 of 531 Deadlift Cycle 2
5 rds
400M Run
40 Squats
Take a read of the link below. Great article from T-Nation written by Greg Everett on the power clean
12-Step Guide to flawless Power Clean
5 rds
400M Run
40 Squats
Take a read of the link below. Great article from T-Nation written by Greg Everett on the power clean
12-Step Guide to flawless Power Clean
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Week 2 of 5/3/1
5/3/1 Deadlifts (Week 2)
Then once recovered
100 Push Press @ 45lb
50 AbMat Situps
100 Back Squats @ 45lb
50 Toes to bar
100 Hanging Snatch Pull @ 45lb
50 AbMat Situps
Then once recovered
100 Push Press @ 45lb
50 AbMat Situps
100 Back Squats @ 45lb
50 Toes to bar
100 Hanging Snatch Pull @ 45lb
50 AbMat Situps
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Start of new 5/3/1 Cycle
531 Deadlift week 1
5 rounds
5 Snatch Balance (#65)
10 Walking Lunges (#65)
20 Double Unders
We are beginning our new strength phase that will consist of 2 months of 5/3/1 training. Please follow your weights and make sure to focus on stretching and flexibility during these phases.
531 Deadlift week 1
5 rounds
5 Snatch Balance (#65)
10 Walking Lunges (#65)
20 Double Unders
We are beginning our new strength phase that will consist of 2 months of 5/3/1 training. Please follow your weights and make sure to focus on stretching and flexibility during these phases.
Friday, August 6, 2010
1st Set: Same weight as Tuesday (60% 1RM +5lbs): 3-5 reps
2nd Set: 90% of 1st Set: 3-5 reps
1st Set: Same weight as Tuesday (60% 1RM +5lbs): 3-5 reps
2nd Set: 90% of 1st Set: 3-5 reps
1x800 (max effort)
50M Broad jump
Looks we are going to start another cycle of 5-3-1 programming, so get ready to get strong.
1st Set: Same weight as Tuesday (60% 1RM +5lbs): 3-5 reps
2nd Set: 90% of 1st Set: 3-5 reps
1st Set: Same weight as Tuesday (60% 1RM +5lbs): 3-5 reps
2nd Set: 90% of 1st Set: 3-5 reps
1x800 (max effort)
50M Broad jump
Looks we are going to start another cycle of 5-3-1 programming, so get ready to get strong.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Below is the video from the two man team event from Kirkland on Saturday 31 July 2010.
A few things to address before I get comments from the peanut gallery (Justin):
1. Forgive the "shakiness" of the video. I probably shouldn't have left my flip in the hands of a 10 year old.
2. I would have taken the video myself if I wasn't busy doing whatever it was that I was doing.
3. The music was just thrown together to get something posted unless you wanted to listen to my son's commentary during the WOD. Frankly, I am not sure that wouldn't have been preferable.
4. In case anyone wanted the separate link here it is. http://www.vimeo.com/13882095
A few things to address before I get comments from the peanut gallery (Justin):
1. Forgive the "shakiness" of the video. I probably shouldn't have left my flip in the hands of a 10 year old.
2. I would have taken the video myself if I wasn't busy doing whatever it was that I was doing.
3. The music was just thrown together to get something posted unless you wanted to listen to my son's commentary during the WOD. Frankly, I am not sure that wouldn't have been preferable.
4. In case anyone wanted the separate link here it is. http://www.vimeo.com/13882095
Kirkland CrossFit FF/Pol/Mil competition July 31, 2010. Two Man Event

3 rounds
20 sec handstand holds
15 53# KBS
10 Box Jumps
3-5 reps add 5# to yesterday's set
3-5 @ 60%
3-5 reps add 5# to yesterday's set
3-5 @ 60%
3 rounds for time
30 Double Unders
15 KTE
Jason left this morning for Virginia. "73" we will miss your antics and constant reality checks. Represent the Shed out East, and Do Epic Shit.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
PVC Dislocates
20 Squats
20 Puships
20 GHD Situps
Deadlift 60%Max +5lbs from yesterday 3-5 reps, then 90% of first set
Press 60%Max +5lbs from yesterday 3-5 reps, then 90% of first set
5 rounds
10 KB Snatches
10 1 Arm KBS (5 each arm)
10 Burpees
I think I can say that although we all have made significant progress in our fitness goals but I can also say that we can do more. The “more” is what I want to address.
The effort that you all put forth daily, in The Shed, continues to amaze me. I am now asking for that effort in other parts of your lives....Yeah, I am going to talk about your nutrition....again!
As you know, I am a huge fine of the work Melissa and Dallas from Whole9 have done and cannot say enough about the benefits my family and I have reaped by making changes in the way we eat.
Below is taken verbatim from their site.
“Eat real food – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, some fruit, and good fat from nuts, seeds, coconut, olives/olive oil and avocado. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re fresh and natural.
1. Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese (hard and soft), yogurt (even Greek) and milk (including cream in your coffee or tea).
2. Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, corn and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa and sprouted grains.
3. Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds (soy, black, kidney, etc.), peas, lentils, and peanuts. (No peanut butter, kids.)
4. Do not eat or add sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc.
5. Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, processed bars (like Zone bars), dairy-free creamers, etc.
6. Do not drink alcohol, in any form.
7. Do not eat white potatoes. It’s kind of arbitrary, but one, they’re a nightshade, and two, sweet potatoes and yams are a more nutrient-dense option, so go for those instead. (On that note, if you have serious inflammation issues like arthritis, you may want to consider avoiding all nightshades for 30 days.)
8. Most importantly… do not try to shove your old, crappy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold. This means no “Paleo-fying” existing less-than-healthy recipes – no “Paleo” pancakes, pizza or Fudge Babies.
A few concessions, based on our experience, and those of our clients. These are less than optimal foods that we are okay with you including in moderation.
1. Processed Meat. On occasion, we are okay with organic chicken sausage (these are nitrate, dairy, gluten and casein-free), and high quality bacon, deli meat, and jerky.
2. Nuts. We do not want you cracking out on nuts and nut butters, people. Sunbutter is acceptable – buy the organic (no sugar added) if possible.
3. Dried Fruit. In general, careful with the fruit. Use dried fruit and Larabars in serious moderation, and only if it doesn’t send you running for the nearest candy dish.
4. Non-”Paleo” Vegetables. We’re fine with green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas. While they’re technically a legume, they’re far more “pod” than “bean”, and we want you to eat your veggies.
5. Coffee and black tea. We’re okay with coffee (black, or with a little coconut milk) in moderation, and only if it doesn’t interfere with sleep. Usually, that means none after noon. If you really want to go hardcore and reset your body’s sensitivity to caffeine, skip the coffee/tee for the 30 day period as well.
6. Vinegar. While it’s technically not “Paleo”, we’re fine with using it in small quantities as a salad dressing or in salsa.
7. Salt. While some “approved” foods like olives or bacon will have some salt in them, go easy when adding salt to your food.”
The reason I am bringing this up yet again is not just a desire to see you improve as athletes but more importantly for your long term health and wellness. Take it from me, being sick sucks! I honestly didn’t know how bad I felt most of the time until I finally felt well. F’ing amazing.
Give it 30 days...Trust me, it is manageable.
PVC Dislocates
20 Squats
20 Puships
20 GHD Situps
Deadlift 60%Max +5lbs from yesterday 3-5 reps, then 90% of first set
Press 60%Max +5lbs from yesterday 3-5 reps, then 90% of first set
5 rounds
10 KB Snatches
10 1 Arm KBS (5 each arm)
10 Burpees
I think I can say that although we all have made significant progress in our fitness goals but I can also say that we can do more. The “more” is what I want to address.
The effort that you all put forth daily, in The Shed, continues to amaze me. I am now asking for that effort in other parts of your lives....Yeah, I am going to talk about your nutrition....again!
As you know, I am a huge fine of the work Melissa and Dallas from Whole9 have done and cannot say enough about the benefits my family and I have reaped by making changes in the way we eat.
Below is taken verbatim from their site.
“Eat real food – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, some fruit, and good fat from nuts, seeds, coconut, olives/olive oil and avocado. Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients, or better yet, no ingredients listed at all because they’re fresh and natural.
1. Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese (hard and soft), yogurt (even Greek) and milk (including cream in your coffee or tea).
2. Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, corn and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa and sprouted grains.
3. Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds (soy, black, kidney, etc.), peas, lentils, and peanuts. (No peanut butter, kids.)
4. Do not eat or add sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc.
5. Do not eat processed foods. This includes protein shakes, processed bars (like Zone bars), dairy-free creamers, etc.
6. Do not drink alcohol, in any form.
7. Do not eat white potatoes. It’s kind of arbitrary, but one, they’re a nightshade, and two, sweet potatoes and yams are a more nutrient-dense option, so go for those instead. (On that note, if you have serious inflammation issues like arthritis, you may want to consider avoiding all nightshades for 30 days.)
8. Most importantly… do not try to shove your old, crappy diet into a shiny new Whole30 mold. This means no “Paleo-fying” existing less-than-healthy recipes – no “Paleo” pancakes, pizza or Fudge Babies.
A few concessions, based on our experience, and those of our clients. These are less than optimal foods that we are okay with you including in moderation.
1. Processed Meat. On occasion, we are okay with organic chicken sausage (these are nitrate, dairy, gluten and casein-free), and high quality bacon, deli meat, and jerky.
2. Nuts. We do not want you cracking out on nuts and nut butters, people. Sunbutter is acceptable – buy the organic (no sugar added) if possible.
3. Dried Fruit. In general, careful with the fruit. Use dried fruit and Larabars in serious moderation, and only if it doesn’t send you running for the nearest candy dish.
4. Non-”Paleo” Vegetables. We’re fine with green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas. While they’re technically a legume, they’re far more “pod” than “bean”, and we want you to eat your veggies.
5. Coffee and black tea. We’re okay with coffee (black, or with a little coconut milk) in moderation, and only if it doesn’t interfere with sleep. Usually, that means none after noon. If you really want to go hardcore and reset your body’s sensitivity to caffeine, skip the coffee/tee for the 30 day period as well.
6. Vinegar. While it’s technically not “Paleo”, we’re fine with using it in small quantities as a salad dressing or in salsa.
7. Salt. While some “approved” foods like olives or bacon will have some salt in them, go easy when adding salt to your food.”
The reason I am bringing this up yet again is not just a desire to see you improve as athletes but more importantly for your long term health and wellness. Take it from me, being sick sucks! I honestly didn’t know how bad I felt most of the time until I finally felt well. F’ing amazing.
Give it 30 days...Trust me, it is manageable.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Move Stuff for Time

Deadlift 60% 3-5 Reps + 90%
Press 60% 3-5 Reps + 90%
Thanks to Art, we have new flooring in the Shed. Also, due to Chad's experience, I have started my Whole 30. Hopefully this will become a trend in the Shed, and bring about some great performance gains.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." Thomas Jefferson
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Kirkland CF 2010

L to R: Chad, Eric, Hiro, Blake, Jason. Not pictured: Justin
VICTORY!...although somewhat bittersweet.
Yesterday The Shed athletes participated in the Kirkland CrossFit Fire/PD/Mil challenge in Kirkland WA. This was the third year of the competition which is put on as a fundraiser for the Northwest Burn Foundation.
Although the weather was a bit on the cool side for most of the day the event was very well run and supported a very worthy cause.
The Shed definitely represented. The day started with the 2 man competition consisting of:
200M run
3 rounds of
10 Burpees
15 Push Press (#95)
200M Run
3 rounds of
10 power cleans (#95)
15 KB swings (1.5 Pood)
200M run.
Blake and Hiro finished more than 20 seconds in front of the 2nd place team.
In the 4 man competition, Blake, Hiro, Justin, and Eric executed a solid game plan (along with a lot of thrusters) and again took the top spot.
The 4 man team wod consisted of
200M relay
60 Deadlift (#225 with fat bar)
100 Thrusters (#95)
200 AbMat Sit Ups
200 Push Ups
200M Relay
Blake decided, at the last minute, that he would compete in the strong man competition which entailed:
8 Log Clean and Jerk
Sand Bag Carry
8 Fat Bar Deadlift
Sand Bag Carry
6 Log Clean and Jerk
Sand Bag Carry
6 Fat Bar Deadlift
Sand Bag Carry
4 Log Clean and Jerk
Sand Bag Carry
4 Fat Bar Deadlift
Sand Bag Carry
He finished first by 12 seconds.
The last event of the day was the individual.
200M Run
20 Burpees
200M Run
20 OH Squats (#95)
200M Run
10 Burpees
200M Run
20 Ball Slams (#25)
200M Run
5 Burpees
200M Run
For those of you that have trained with Hiro, you will not be shocked to hear that he finished first....35 seconds ahead of the next athlete.
So, for those keeping track, of the four events at this years games, The Shed took top spot in each event. I couldn't be prouder. The hard work these guys put in, day in, day out, when no one is looking, is paying off.
Why do I call yesterday bittersweet? It is because it also marks one of the last days that the 73rd Fittest Man in Washington will be with us before he moves to VA. Jason, you will be sorely missed.
"Individual glory is insignificant when compared to achieving victory as a team"-Dot Richardson
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