Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Below is the video from the two man team event from Kirkland on Saturday 31 July 2010.

A few things to address before I get comments from the peanut gallery (Justin):

1. Forgive the "shakiness" of the video. I probably shouldn't have left my flip in the hands of a 10 year old.

2. I would have taken the video myself if I wasn't busy doing whatever it was that I was doing.

3. The music was just thrown together to get something posted unless you wanted to listen to my son's commentary during the WOD. Frankly, I am not sure that wouldn't have been preferable.

4. In case anyone wanted the separate link here it is.

Kirkland CrossFit FF/Pol/Mil competition July 31, 2010. Two Man Event


  1. siiiiiiiiiiick!

    No, seriously. The shaking made me sick lol

  2. I love the music!!!

    I like to move it move it.. I like to MOVE IT!!
