Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Bench Press 5, 3, >1

5 rounds
5 Strict Pullups with 20# West
15 70# KBS
Rest 5-10 Min, then 10 Min L-Sit Practice

Book Review: Lights Out


written by Colin Jenkins

At first glance, Lights Out; Sleep, Sugar, and Survival, looked like another gimmicky self-help book with promises of an easy solution to weight loss and better health. But once I actually started digging into it, it was obvious that the author had a very strong argument to why we need more better quality sleep. He takes a very evolutionary and scientific approach to sleep, circadian rhythm, and artificial lighting as the Paleolithic Diet does to food.

  • It is a very easy and short read, and I highly recommend it to everyone who is interested in their health and performance. You'll learn why:
  • we need to be sleeping more
  • we need to be getting to bed earlier (before 10:30pm)
  • we need to sleep in a pitch dark room
  • how sleep plays a big role in our dietary habits
  • and how our dietary habits play in a big role in our sleep
"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs." Joan Welsh

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