Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Whirlwind last 24 hours.

Let me apologize for not updating the site yesterday. I received a phone call from "73" yesterday morning informing me that the CrossFit online qualifier requirements had been posted....oh, and they had to be completed and submitted to HQ by 0800 this morning! It is a good thing that "73" has nothing better to do at work than check the CF games website.

Blake completed the online qualifier "just in case" he is not allowed to compete at the SE Regional. Hiro completed the online qualifier due to missing the sectionals for Navy operational committments.

So, yesterday at 1600, several of us met over at BBN to watch Blake and Hiro complete the first WOD (Hiro had already done our regular WOD earlier that morning). At 1900 we came back to BBN for WOD 2.

This morning at 0445 we met at The Shed for WOD 3.

I cannot stress enough how impressed I was with the performance of both of these athletes. Great effort.

Below lists each WOD and a link to the raw video that was submitted to CFHQ.

5 rounds of
10 Deadlift (225#)
10 Box Jump (24")
10 Toes to bar

Blake 6:17 Video
Hiro 7:32 Video

150 Double Unders
30 Thrusters (135#)
30 Chest to Bar Pullups

Blake 8:41 Video
Hiro 7:28 Video

3 rounds of
7 Front Squats (185#)
7 Muscle Ups

Blake 3:56 Video
Hiro 5:20 Video

On behalf of all of us, I would like to publicly thank Len Nuanez for his support in allowing us to use his gym for WODs 1 and 2.

"Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. They did all that was expected of them and a little bit more." ~A. Lou Vickery

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