Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3x3 Deadlift

5 rounds
Max 95# OHS
Max Ring Dips
Rest 3 Min between Rounds

"It is a shameful thing for the soul to faint while the body still perseveres." Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3x3 Press (use 5/3/1 calculator)

4 rounds
25 Press
15 Dips
20 Double Unders

"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." William Shakespeare

Monday, March 29, 2010

3x3 Squat (use 5/3/1 calculator)

Tabata Squats
4 Min of Max Muscle Ups

During April, a lot of us have training or will be on leave. Make sure we are communicating as much as possible with one another, so we can try to get a couple of us together for the WODs.

"The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests." Epictetus

Saturday, March 27, 2010

3x5 Snatch (use 5/3/1 Calculator)

Log Fran
Log Thrusters

We had the honor to host the BBN crew this morning for Log Fran. Needless to say it was pretty epic and a good time. Below is something I found on OPT's blog, and for those who don't follow OPT's stuff, he normally has great material.

Big Dawg Mantra
I know you...
I know you're bigger, faster and stronger than me.
I know your Fran time is lower, your 5k is quicker and your deadlift is heavier.
I know you have 1,000 views on YouTube.
I know you're a "WOD" warrior.

I know you, but you don't know me.

You don't know what's in my head, what's in my heart, what's in my soul.
You don't know that pain is my ally.
You don't know that sweat and blood are my training partners.
You don't know that I'm unbreakable.

I know you train in your temperature controlled gym with the tough sounding name while I'm training in garage exposed to the elements. In the heat and in the cold, in the humidity, rain and snow, I'm forging mental toughness. I'm tempering my resolve. I'm fueling my passion. I'm getting ready for the day that we meet.

I know your 1,000 YouTube views won't mean shit in front of 1,000 spectators. I know when the heat goes up I go big and you go home.

I know you don't know me...but you will.

"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog." General Dwight Eisenhower

Friday, March 26, 2010

3x5 Bench Press (use individual loads from 5/3/1/ calculator)

5 rounds
12 2pood KBS
24 Double Unders

Tomorrow is the much awaited Log Fran!!! We will celebrate as usual by hitting up Jumbo afterwards.

"Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe something inside of them was superior to circumstances." Bruce Barton

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off to rest and recover. Even Chad enjoys his time off.

"Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel" Napoleon Hill

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3x5 Deadlift (use individual loads)

AMRAP in 20 Minutes
3 135# Clean and Jerk
6 Pushups
9 Box Jumps

Just to clarify how the 5/3/1 works, on the last set go for a max effort in reps. If you can get 6 reps, get 6 reps...if you can do 10 reps do 10 reps. For example, your deadlifts might look like, 5x225#, 5x265#, 8x305#.

"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen." - Frank Lloyd Wright

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3x5 Press (loads based on 5/3/1 calculator)

5 rounds
20 Walking Lunges
10 Pullups

The log has landed!!! Now Log Fran is going down on Saturday, followed by Jumbo, followed by the UFC fight at Ramon's place later in the evening. Also, Ramon and I plan on picking up the rower on Friday, and hopefully install the pullup bars Friday or early Saturday.

"Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do. With such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling." - Vincent Van Gogh

Monday, March 22, 2010

3x5 Back Squat (loads based on 5/3/1 calculator)

10 135# Power Snatch
10 Burpees
Are you stretching and rolling out? A proper warm up and cool down are essential for injury prevention and recovery. Please do a good dynamic warm up before you begin a WOD and cool down afterwards with 5-10 minutes of stretching and foam rolling.

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful, is the man who will win." - Roger Bannister

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sunday OLY Practice

A few of us got together this morning at The Shed to work on some Olympic lifts. Jason was there and learned how to clean. Hiro hit a PR and Eric almost busted his melon on the garage door. All in all it was a great morning.

Speaking of Eric, he broke out his old school "jump" trainers and used them to assist rocking some double unders.

"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition" ~ John Wooden

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Clean and Jerk 3,2,2,1,1,1

AMRAP in 20 Min
21 Pullups
21 Pushups
400m Run
It was the first day of Spring
The Log is enroute to "The Shed"
And down Cresent Harbor Dr
Comes Chad and his moped.

It was a glorious morning at "The Shed," Olympic lifts while viewing the Olympic Mountains, Chad and #73 rode their other means of transportation, Jason joined us at Jumbo for the first time, and Blake Cleaned 275#.

Monday starts our 5/3/1/ strength programming, so input your lifts and bring a copy to "The Shed."

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

Friday, March 19, 2010


Shed crew,

It sucks to have to depart for awhile, but rest assured I will continue to provide criticism of performance and programming support from afar. I can't wait to get back and throw some bumpers around The Shed. I may even get some Log Fran as soon as I get back. I'm truly excited about the strength cycle we are about to start and can't wait to see the wave of PR's come across the board.

While I'm gone I will be working on a few personal goals and would like for each of you to do the same. The first part of reaching a goal is setting it, so here we go...

Blake - 20 unbroken HSPUs or 10 unbroken on parallettes and reduce Snatch grip width by about 20 feet.
Justin - 15 unbroken 115# OHS. (assuming quad is healed)
"73" - 10 unbroken HSPU 50 unbroken double-unders.
Ramon - 10 unbroken HSPU 50 unbroken doulbe-unders.
Hiro - Reduce alcohol intake by 20%.
Eric - 15 unbroken HSPU. Indulge in some ice cream and sugar donuts at Jumbo.

All - Keep your elbows up, heels on the ground, and DO WORK!
See ya soon,
Find your 1 rep Max Bench and Weighted Pullup

5 rounds
5 Overhead Squats
20 Wallball
All the rubber plates are in "The Shed" thanks to Chad and Trent. Also, for those who have not done wallball in "The Shed," be prepared, it is not fun.

Trent will be leaving tomorrow for Rhode Island, so make sure you wish him luck and say goodbye.

"We are all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." - Charles R. Swindoll

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting North of Vag

It may seem to some that we are getting ready to embark on a large departure from our traditional programming. Let me assure you we are not. What we are doing is adapting a systematic approach to making identifiable and measurable strength gains.

In reading Jim Wendler's book 5/3/1 it is evident that our current programming construct is definitely on the right path but there are some adjustments we can make to improve it. Key to this, as Trent so eloquently pointed out in his email to all of us is having an accurate account of what our individual PR's (either 1rm or several rm) are for each of the four given lifts (Squat, Deadlift, Press, Bench). We will also be instituting the same philosophy with OLY lifts as well.

METCONs will still exist but our focus is going to be getting strong, or as Jim states in his book "Getting North of Vag". Please understand that our journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

We need everyone to input their data into the spreadsheet Trent provided in his email, print it out and post them in The Shed.

It is time to GET NORTH OF VAG.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3x3 Press

6 rounds
5 Push Press/Jerk
200m Run
We welcomed Len this morning to "The Shed" and I think his feelings are mutual towards that hill.
The rubber plates arrive tomorrow according to Chad's emails, and the log has shipped, the pullup bar parts have shipped, so everything is coming together slowly but surely.
Please read Trent's email on the 5/3/1 programming...this should give us great strength results over the next couple of months, so use the calculator and do the prescribed loads for the day.

"Your deliverance or your destruction are 100% up to you." - VADM James B. Stockdale

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


5x5 Back Squat

3 rounds
15 Front Squats
5 Muscle Ups

I have noticed a couple of people have been getting sick or are nursing an injury. Please be smart, listen to your body and take some time off if you need to. Rest and recovery are more important to making progress than the workouts themselves.

"Our greatest flory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Confucius

Monday, March 15, 2010

Work up to 2 rep Max Deadlift

25 Burpees
25 Pullups
25 Dips
25 Box Jumps
25 Situps
25 Pushups
25 KB Swing

Ramon brought over his pullup bar and dip station and we put it outside "The Shed." We continue to get new equipment and we have an ETA on the bumpers of 18MAR, and the Log is being fabricated.

Check out Dutch's blog on Self-Programming. We don't have this issue because Chad and Trent have done a great job with our programming, and we have each other for accountability. But we need to continue writing our programming to work on our weaknesses and realized while we may not want to do certain workouts (Log Fran) but for the sake of constant improvement, we need to push through each WOD.

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will." - Vince Lombardi

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rest Day

Thanks to everybody who had the chance to stop by "The Shed" and work on the Olympic platform. It took a little longer than expected, but it came out real nice...especially once I get the stickers made and put a coat of finish on it. See everybody tomorrow at 0515.

"For the strength of the pack is the wolf;
and the strength of the wolf is the pack." - Rudyard Kipling

Saturday, March 13, 2010

3 rounds
40 Air Squats
15 Hang Power Snatch
10 Heaving Snatch Balance

Rest 5-10 Min

2 Mile Run
Here is the revised design with the Navy and Fire Department emblems. I'm still working on the dungeon theme design.

We are going to try and meet at "The Shed" between 0900 and 1000 to work on building an Olympic platform. If you have some time to stop by and help out it would be greatly appreciated.

On a more serious note, I know we are all striving for excellence, but failure will occur every now and again and we will fall short of our goals. Failure is a necessary evil, our response to our shortcomings will define us as people. Vice Admiral James Stockdale wrote:

"People destined to be successful must have the emotional stability to handle failure."

After spending 7 years in a Vietnam POW camp (4 of them in solitude), he was routinely tortured for information. When he gave in the torture, he looked at himself as a failure. But he endured, he survived and returned home with honor.
I know we are not in a POW camp, but we are all fighting to become better athletes, friends, husbands, sons, fathers, and people...we are going to mess up every now and again. Just remember to learn from your failures and endure...and by doing so you will continue to grow and adapt. I can tell each and every one of us is destined for success, and together in "The Shed" we will push each other and help each other when we fall down, to come out stronger and more resilient than before.

Friday, March 12, 2010

5 rounds of 30sec
135# Bench Press
Strict Pullups
Leg Lifts
1 Min Rest between rounds

"73" purchased the log this evening and we will do Log Fran once it arrives. Tomorrow morning we are meeting at "The Shed" at 0900 to do Shed Gone Bad and then a 5k Run and Jumbo.

I will also try to post a link to something fitness related to expand everybody's POV of health and fitness.

"Sweat is the fire that forges character." - Unknown

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Impromptu Thursday

Well since I didn’t have to be at work until a little later this morning I stopped by The Shed in order to make up for missing yesterdays workout. I was joined by Trent, Ramon, and Jason L.

Trent and Ramon completed:

15 minutes AMRAP

2 Bench Press

3 Power Cleans

4 Front Squats

I took Jason through some basic movements and then we did 5 rounds of:

10 Push Ups

10 Kettlebell Swings

When we got done he stated that he was definitely a good one. He moves well and will be killing it in no time.

We also hung the rings after much consternation with the straps. Also before we left we jotted down a few “Shed rules”. Let me know what you think. See you tomorrow morning at 0515.

Oh, and we are expecting all the equipment to be here by the end of next week so if any one has any time this weekend to assist with helping set things up that would be fantastic.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

5x5 Press
6x2 Push Press

Tabata Shuttle Run
Tabata DB Thrusters
Tabata Pullups

Another cold morning in "The Shed" led to another PR for Blake and a broken bar. Hiro got attacked by Jason's daughter, and 73 stayed in close proximity to the heater. The afternoon Tabata at the base gym had many of spectators looking at us crazy and resulted in Chase rolling dirty to a sim.
As discussed, we are going to do a Paleo dinner at my condo on Friday night at 530 (1730 for those military folks) and followed by a showing of Rocky 4. Please bring whatever you wish to eat, I will have some buffalo, avocado, shrimp and spinach. I have a grill and a stove top for your cooking needs. My address is 30875 SR 20 Apt I2, Madrona Heights Condos.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, March 8, 2010

The first official WOD in "The Shed" happened this morning at 0530 in a freezing box we now call home. The floodlights work really well (just don't look directly at them), and the kerosene heater works just fine. Blake PR'ed on the squats, and I think we all are already sick the hill, but whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I look forward to updating this blog with various PR's, pictures and stories that emerge from "The Shed," and it truly is an honor to work out with each of you. I'm going to finish each post with a motivation quote, so if you all have some please send them my way.

"You limit a person's potential by appealing to what he is and that, rather, you must appeal to what he might be." - Goethe

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Beginning of a New Chapter

Tomorrow begins a new leg in our journey. Many have been in a 'Rocky' mood this week, and I hope we continue to use this motivation to train hard and make great personal gains in "The Shed." The equipment is coming along, and Jason and I put in some floodlights today and "The Shed" is now really bright. We still need to make the pullup bars and the Olympic platforms, I would like to try to make them next weekend if everybody has some time.