Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting North of Vag

It may seem to some that we are getting ready to embark on a large departure from our traditional programming. Let me assure you we are not. What we are doing is adapting a systematic approach to making identifiable and measurable strength gains.

In reading Jim Wendler's book 5/3/1 it is evident that our current programming construct is definitely on the right path but there are some adjustments we can make to improve it. Key to this, as Trent so eloquently pointed out in his email to all of us is having an accurate account of what our individual PR's (either 1rm or several rm) are for each of the four given lifts (Squat, Deadlift, Press, Bench). We will also be instituting the same philosophy with OLY lifts as well.

METCONs will still exist but our focus is going to be getting strong, or as Jim states in his book "Getting North of Vag". Please understand that our journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

We need everyone to input their data into the spreadsheet Trent provided in his email, print it out and post them in The Shed.

It is time to GET NORTH OF VAG.